Public Blogs
Here is a cost-free and compact platform for blogging selfies of your mind, your thoughts, opinions and any aspects of your lifestyle that you wish to share with others. You can blog under any of the ten ‘umbrella’ categories, which constitute the major chunk of a human being’s day to day NowLife. You can interact (or not) with other readers. You can also write privately to publishers of other blogs. Your blogs will remain permanently on this site. Over time, they will evolve into your autobiography archived in the digital Library of Minds. The DMM public forum provides a secure environment for recording your life’s journey in a serious and comprehensible mode.
Age creeps up on us all. The only alternative to it is to die young! It occupies a major portion of your life depending on your physical, mental and cognitive health. Your frame of mind defines how you deal with your ageing– ranging from labelling it as God’s Waiting Room to joyfully embracing your Golden Years. Here, you can express your lifestyle and behaviours you have adopted as you age. And share inspirational writings which would be useful to others entering this stage of life.
Our life’s journey is marked by family blood, emotional and physical relationships. We love, fight, hurt, reconcile, care…but having relationships is an indelible Rule of Human Evolution. The nature and type of relationships, their beginning and their end, highs and lows, depend on myriad variables. Record here your experiences and thoughts about love, marriage, children, sexuality, lifestyles and other aspects of interactions with loved ones. Leave them behind in your Autobiography on the shelves of the Library of Minds.
Share bits and pieces of your life, which might be of interest to your friends. Comment on all and everything from pubs to politics, sports to other social issues and events – or just upload visual records of interest to you all.
Heart + Mind
The Human Condition is irrevocably tied to the interconnectedness between heart and mind. Emotions and Ego are often in conflict with logic. The Heart-Mind Well-Being pivots on finding the right balance between the two. Each human has a different formula for meeting this challenge. What maximizes your happiness? How do you cope with the downsides e.g. loneliness, grief? The role of compassion, selfishness? Here, share your thoughts on life and living – and learn about it from others.
Absence of infirmity does not mean being healthy. That is more a balanced state of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Scientific advances in biological sciences are revealing causes and cures for achieving “radical wellbeing”. This site provides you a forum for exchanging your thoughts and practices on health issues with like-minded people.
Cooking? Share your recipes. Recommend restaurants you like. | Wine? Comment on your latest tastings. | Music? Upload your favourites. | Photography? How to take best pictures? Display yours. | Books? Comment and recommend. Not to mention your views about sports events that interest you and your family and friends. The list is endless…..
Professional Life
Post your professional resume, skills and activities. Share career highlights, personal experiences from interviews to workplace bullying, frustrations and high points in your working life….and what you wish you had done or are thinking of doing now.
IMeMyself / Reflections
Share aspects of your current day-to-day living and circumstances, e.g. on the city where you live, your extra-curricular activities, etc. Share thoughts and ideas on your Life’s journey, e.g. childhood, inspirations (parents, public figures, books, experiences), spiritual path, personal values, your successes and failures, and on societal developments of concern to you. What advice would you give for wise living? The scope of what you might wish to express is limitless.
To travel is the greatest affair. Any travel tales or tips you would like to share? Don’t scatter your accommodation reviews, feelings and thoughts and visual record of places visited and people you met all over the social media. Record it all in one place for all to see. A compact record on one site would encourage greater interaction among like-minded travellers.
Global Humanity
Blog your views on political, economic or social developments which you want to share with others. Perhaps you have thoughts on issues affecting your local community, the country? Or a cause you want to promote. You can delve into just about any subject that prompts your interest in issues of concern from climate change to human rights to other geo-political/social/economic issues.
Do you want to write about something else, which is not covered by categories above and deserves its own space? This is where you do it.