Rakesh Ahuja CV 1961 — Still Here

I have decided to put on record my (visible) professional career. As would be the case with most who follow their own conscious moral compass or have been servants of the State, not all can be said or revealed.  There is much that can be damaging privately or otherwise if publicly expressed.  I have no wish to hurt the dead or alive. During the riven, confused foliage of my existence, there is one principle I have tried(x3) to follow: Try (x3) not to hurt the biomass that inhabits our planet. But I have no doubt that unconsciously or even consciously, I do hurt the ‘some-other’ every day.
Anyway, having put on record some facets of my past existence, I shall gradually ‘flesh’ it out. It will be a running commentary of my past as it crosses my mind, warts and all.

Rakesh Ahuja (Mr.)

G P O Box 1648
ACT 2601

E-mail: RakeshAhuja@DownloadingMyMind.com


Associate, Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants
B.Ec. Australian National University, Canberra
Arabic (Asian Studies, Australian National University; Shemlan, Lebanon)
Russian (University of Canberra; London Institute of Languages)
Vietnamese (Australian National University; Vietnam National University, Hanoi)
Hindi (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)


Chartered Accountants
: Articled Clerk, David Fell & Co, Canberra/Sydney
: Ernst &Young, Peat Marwick & Mitchell, and Price Waterhouse
Union Labour Organisor/Crane Operator, WWFA Sydney/AGPS Canberra
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade:
1972-1973    Trainee, Canberra
1973-1976    Third Secretary, Australian Embassy, Beijing
1976-1977    Second Secretary, Australian Embassy, Bangkok
1977-1981    Consul, Australian Embassies, Beirut and Damascus
     Charge d’affaires, Australian High Commission, Malta
     First Secretary, Australian High Commission, Solomon Islands
1981-1982    Deputy Director, Australia China Council, Canberra
1982-1983    Russian Language Training, Canberra and London
1983-1988    Second Secretary, Australian Embassy, Moscow
1988-1992    Director, Soviet and East Europe Section, Canberra
1992-1993    Deputy Head of Mission, Australian Embassy, Hanoi
1993-1994    Director, India and South Asia Section, Canberra
1994-1999    Deputy High Commissioner, Australian High Commission, New Delhi
1999-2000    State Director, Tasmania
Self Employed
Director, AusIndia Connect Pty. Limited (IT/Water/Health joint ventures)
Director, Axessindia Consultancy Group (Trade Strategies, Indian/Australian markets)
Consultant on Inter-Cultural Issues (Business and Government)
Contributing Writer, Asian Analysis, Australian National University
Director, Australasia, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (2002-2003)
President, ACT Chapter, Australia India Business Council (2004-2006)
Australian Government (DITR) Project: Closer Integration with India Study (2006 -2007)
Adjunct Professional Associate, Creative Communications, University of Canberra (2003-06)
Visiting Fellow, Centre for International & Regional Affairs, University of Fiji (2007)
2008 – 2010
Head, Business Development (India), Anglo Coal (Subsidiary of Anglo American Services Ltd.)
2010 – 2019
Corporate Advisor/Workshops: Cultural Intelligence (CQ)
Corporate Analyst: Political, Economic and Social Developments in India.
2020 – Still Here
Founder: DownloadingMyMind


President, Australian National University Students Union Board (1968-1971);
B.Ec. Australian National University, Canberra
Chair: International Affairs Policy Committee, Australian Labor Party, ACT (2003-2007);
Lifeline Counsellor (1981-