Cultural Intelligence Articles

CQ India

India Explained: CQ Snippets

This blog will encompass stray and sundry revelations about the Indian civilisational character and mores. Just snippets, which make one aware of aspects of the

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CQ India

India Explained: CQ Snippets

9 May 2024 “I don’t know” is a phrase rarely heard in India. This is unsurprising because Indians know everything, whatever the subject. Hence, Nirad

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CQ General

Sexism – Gender Roles

The attached sign for room services was hanging on my hotel room door at an upmarket London Hotel in April 2019. Gender wars are continuing,

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CQ General

EMojis – A New Language?

E-mojis [Japanese e (picture) + moji (character)]are entering into our daily written conversation. They are almost becoming another language. My article on this subject was

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CQ General

Unconscious Bias?

We, humans, make incredibly quick judgements and assessments of people and situations the moment we ‘experience’ them………

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